Then you catch a glimpse of one of the guys making a sculpture near you. Not only is his sculpture damn great looking, he's also making it out of a material far better than dirt, but he's also only been working on his for like, a half hour. You're overcome with a futile feeling. I mean, if this guy's making that fantastic thing so quick and well, why would anyone even look at your thing? Why would you even keep working on yours if it's not gonna be special? If no one's gonna appreciate it, especially when it's going on display next to all these really beautiful statues?
That's where the allegory ends, just sitting in awe of this other guys statue. I run into this a lot, in a world where all these fantastic games are either here or coming soon, things like Strafe and Nuclear Throne, who needs some college student's little top down shooter about blasting space pirates and spooky plants? What am I doing spending all this time cobbling together a game out of spare parts and bubblegum?
I guess I don't have a really good answer to my question. The best I do is to keep my head down, I guess I've been doing this long enough to know that, but is that good? Shouldn't I have a greater goal? I really don't know. I mean, it's not like I can stop, things always go bad when I don't make things.
So maybe in the end I don't have a choice. Maybe it's all a compulsion? Maybe I keep my head down and code because I die , in a way, if I don't.
I dunno.
Well, that's what's on my mind at the moment, it's a little bit of a downer.
Wyatt White
An Ego Echo Chamber