So! that's just a quick little update on the state of affairs. I whipped up another little GIF of a new enemy I'm working on for Doomer. Check it out.
The least Spooky developer on twitter.
I feel shitty today, so I'm home all day just tinkering with Doomer. I wanted to write a quick update on the state of furthering the Doomer team. So! The musician who worked on Monotaur and Teledodge with us has expressed interest in coming back to do some music. I'm meeting with the artist that I worked with on Pirates for the 4 people who remember that failed project. He's a talented and dependable guy, I hope we can come to an agreement and add his talent to Doomer as, if you couldn't tell, I'm no artist and have little desire to become one.
So! that's just a quick little update on the state of affairs. I whipped up another little GIF of a new enemy I'm working on for Doomer. Check it out.
Wyatt White
The least Spooky developer on twitter.
In real life, I work in IT at a small health corporation in remote Alaska. Today I'm in a village called Atmautluak fixing some computers that needed fixing. Well, I was. I finished an hour or so ago and am now waiting on the next plane home.
All that setup to say that I'm stuck here with nothing to do but read and work on Doomer. So I decided to iterate a little more on the idea of popping holes in the Ship to fire things out into the eternal nothing of space. While testing it out I found the explosions worked a little differently than I anticipated, but no less interestingly Observe;
It's not nearly done, obviously, but it's coming along, slowly but surely.
Wyatt White Mostly Void, Partially Stars So! I just sent the Doomer prototype out to a musician, a lets player, and an artist. I've worked with all of them in the past, they're all people I trust and they're all stand-up fellas'. Sending this prototype out, I realized it signifies the end of the easy part of developing at this level.
Before I keep going, I wanna make it clear where I am. I've made virtually nothing in games, I can technically say I've made a profit on my projects, though considering the cash I've made is such a small sum and the cash I've invested into software and hardware while working on things has far eclipsed it, I guess you could say I really haven't made even close to a profit. In any case, that's not the point. The point is that I'm a little nobody even in the nobody circles of the internet. So for someone like me, the easy part of development is the magic hour between figuring out what I want to do with my next project, and having to let someone play it. When it's just me, sitting in my room for hours typing away at my computer, its easy. I'm the creator and the player. I'm the only one accountable, and the only one to be accountable to. Then I show it to someone. Without any mechanical or graphical changes, the entire game changes itself. It's now a product, it's not a collection of data that I willed into existence by sheer force of not giving up on it. It's not judged by how effecient it is on resources, or how much time it took me to make this effect or that system work right. Now it's judged by how engaging it is. That changes everything for me. The worst part is, it's three people. Three people I know. It's not an open Alpha. Not an open Beta. Not a limited release, or a Greenlight Campaign. It's just me emailing my game to a few friends and collaborators. Even that changes things. Now three eyes know that that ugly screenshot also plays kinda ugly too. From now on I know that there are people, even just a few, that know where the game's been, and that know where the game's trying to go. Anyway. That's all worth not much. I'm gonna keep working on Doomer till it's done or unworkable. Then I'll release, one way or the other. Thanks for reading, and for your continuing support of myself and those I collaborate with, you guys rule. I've grown attached to promoting a random thing every post, so for this week, if you haven't seen Hackers then fix that, cause it's fantastic. Wyatt White Actual Size!
Spent the weekend and part of the week in Anchorage visiting my Mom, who's undergoing some medical treatment. I've taken a lot of time this weekend to work on Doomer. I'm working on a new blog post more focused on design and goals I'm striving for, but my brain is far too fried to be coherent on the topic.
SO! In absence of a real post, I'm gonna link to some wonderful DooM Fan fic, check it out, it's short but also fantastic. Here it is!! Read it and WEEP.
Wyatt White 24% Natural Human 75% RedBull 1% ???? It's been a while! How's it going? Did you get that thing figured out? If you didn't it's cool, no biggie. Anyway, updates on Doomer.
We got path-finding sorted!! I managed to strap myself into gear for long enough to bang out some solid code. I don't want to explain exactly how all the current enemies work, that would be both boring and ruin some of the magic of Doomer. In any case, rest assured, enemies no longer chase you through walls, nor do they phase through them while wandering, they don't even see you through doors. Nope, got all that shit on lockdown. On the topic of doors, one of the newer features to be added are locked doors and traps. Locked doors are, of course, doors that are locked, they require the matching keycard. People shit on key hunts, but they can be used to prompt players to explore an environment in more detail, or to bait traps :D. Traps trap you. I feel like that's self evident. More added Features!!!1 ~Weapon Slots-- Currently a player can carry 2 different weapons, I don't think I'm going to limit the player to only 2 permanently, as I hate it when games do it for no reason. More on that later. ~Standardized Collision Detection -- Until recently, all collision detection was done seprately and manually withing each instances code. Though I woke up one morning, looked at the mess of code I had hard coded into each enemy class. All of it barely functioned, and had to be manually updated for every class every time new things were added. I then slapped myself across the face before plunging myself into my own toilet headfirst and swirlie-ing myself unconscious. After coming to, I broke collisions into a few classifications, allowing updates to be rolled out across all units far faster and more simply. ~Other Pointless Aesthetic Stuff -- I've also been working on making blood, gibs, and things like screen shake work a little better. So far I'm not particularly proud of any of it but I am working on it. Except maybe the current blood. I blundered into making the current blood look like organs and shit. I don't know if it's actually any good, but I like it. Also I added a little box that changes the main font colour of the HUD. Totally pointless, but I thought it was fun. End of Features!!!1 So that was some odd technical whatever. progress has also been made in the more spiritual dimension of the game. The direction of both the narrative and my thoughts on world design have changed quite a bit since I last wrote on the Dev Blog, however, I think I'll write a new post about that soon. I really don't want this post to run on for years. Look forward to the next update, or dread it. . . it's really up to you. If you wan't to follow Doomer of Worlds's development, or just like me rambling, check out my Twitter, Instagram, or E-Mail me telling me how wonderful and amazing I am. Thanks, Wyatt White Ninjas, Damn. |
Dev BlogThis is the other place I ramble about what I'm working on. Old Stuff
January 2024