About two months ago I moved into a new place and started looking to work on a collaborative project. After a couple false starts, I stumbled across an artist and animator looking to start a new project. We met and fell in love(actually no we just started a project).
As of today, the project has no name. I've been refering to it as GunBoat, despite it having nothing to do with boats, and I've been slaving away on it for the last month and a half. Now, most of the art is still my standins, and what art my dev-partner has done is still very early, but I've assembled a couple prototype gifs I've made just to show something for my silence.
Now, there's very little set in stone about GunBoat just yet, but one thing we are very proud of is our buddy system. As you play through each dungeon, you'll come across captured teammates, which you can then recruit to your squad. Each teammate has a special ability, (medic heals you, a grenadier lobs frag grenades, a soldier provides a second gun hand, ect). As you progress through the dungeon, you'll aquire and swap squad mates to create the best team you can make, in hopes of taking on the looming leader at the deepest depth.
All this fluff to say, I'm working with a new collaborator on a shooter project, and it's gonna be incredible, even if a little late to the rogue-lite party. I hope you'll stick around to watch development, and I know you'll like GunBoat when it's released.
Wyatt White
IT SuperGrunt Extraordinaire!