Large back end changes. Most recently the HUD and weapon rendering system, as well as the text storage and drawing. These changes are frustrating in that the best way to know they work correctly is that they look the exact same. From my end it makes adding new elements and tweaking existing ones way easier. Of course, there's not a ton of content potential in an article centering around me talking about how much better a coder I am now compared to when I started SiC.
Level and Story Additions. Seeing as SiC is more or less complete from a mechanics standpoint means that I've been spending an inordinate ammount of time the last few weeks working on the story and levels of SiC. Of course, to keep things novel, I'm doing my best to keep the levels pretty quiet on the internet, as I want people to experience them for the first time when they play the game, not months before hand on twitter. As for story, I should be at a point pretty soon where I'm comfortable enough with my own lore to start sharing tidbitts, but even then, it'll only be tidbitts. A lot of the background of SiC is going to be revealed and unlocked in game, so I don't really want to reveal too much beforehand.
Secret Stuff. Things happen during the run of SiC. Things that change other things. I doubt it'll end up being Shakespeare, but I'm trying to keep some of the later game events, NPCs and Enemies under wraps till the game is out, hopefully I can surprise people with a dumb action shooter that's just a bit smarter than it initially seems
Well, I did it. I wrote a substantial Dev Blog Post about how I really have a hard time writing substantial blog posts about recent developments.