Unfortunately, we're also planning on having a sort of 3-4 episode arc for the end of PROVIDER. These are episodes that are essentially intended to be played all together. Brightside is PROVIDER's first story is coming to an end (and a pretty cool end if I say so myself) downside is after the next update, we're not going to be updating again until we've finished the last 3-4 episodes.
Episode 8 (the Toxic Zone) will be up and available April 14, but after that we're not going to be releasing any new episodes until May at the earliest.
So, long story short, we're finishing up our Episode 8 Update, after which, we'll be going quiet on updates until, all at once, Episode 9-10-11-12 all drop at once in late-May or June.
As with everything PROVIDER, this could change at nearly any time, but we'll do our best to be up-front about any delays and keep everyone clued in on why and when they're happening.
This is a mostly boring post about development and other boring things, so please also enjoy this GIF of a trash disposal mech for Episode 8
Wyatt White